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Mice Industry

Strategy Plan of Central District Develop around Yanqi Lake, Beijing

Location: Yanqi Lake, Beijing

Scale: Current area 21 km2

Client: Beijing Enterprises Group


The consulting project clarified the scope of positioning and planning for the development of this area as well as balancing the budget after thorough communication with the client.

The area was positioned as The World’s Conference Venue, The World’s Yanqi Lake after benchmarking similar cases. To catch the opportunities in international summits/conference venue industry and tourism industry, the area was designed to be a multifunctional, high-profile and environmentally friendly location for both global conferences and vacation.

According to that, four functional parts were set: five-star hotel site, resorts in mountains, international conference venue site and cultural and creative industry site. Other than that, five operational models and three business models were offered to the client.


Chengdao Consultancy
Consulting and Planning

Full service

integration of research, consultancy, management and marketing

comprehensive consultancy covering regional development, old city renovation, community construction, and project development

Tailored service

focusing on customers requirements and market changes

analyzing the cross-boundary market and market segmentation

providing customers with strategic suggestions on enhancing real estate value


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