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Easten Yunhe City in Yangzhou

The project locates in the gateway area of the city of Jiangdu, Jiangsu Province ‒ a keen area to strengthen the integrity of Yangzhou and display the city’s image.

It is composed of eighteen SOHO tower mansions, a three-storied large-scale commercial complex, elevated commercial corridors, eight 33-storied residential buildings, and two-storied community retail areas along the streets. Its simple architectural form represents a modern, public, and commercial urban character. Centralized open green spaces within the residential area well-infiltrate into the surrounding landscapes, providing great ventilation and daylighting. The Art-Deco façade mingles with landscape nodes designed along the riverside to create a coherent waterfront landscape.

Taking the surrounding urban texture and skyline into consideration, the design benefits from the site’s rich natural topography. Retail areas along the streets are structured through the view towards existing wetland and waterscape, shaping an ecological spatial experience.

Project Facts

Project: Easten Yunhe City in Yangzhou 
Location: Yangzhou Jiangsu China

Floor Space: 649,280㎡

Design Time: 2012

Civic life